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5 Top Tips for LinkedIn

By Charlotte Dubec, Social Media Editor

LinkedIn is not just another social media account, it requires a bit more thought and a little more work. Just like Facebook, LinkedIn is a useful way to be connected to your friends.  What’s more important is being connected to your colleagues and industry contacts… those people you wouldn’t necessarily have on your Facebook. Similar to Instagram you want to keep your followers engaged with relevant posts, and therefore you should try to post at least once a month to ensure your profile shows up on prospective employer’s newsfeeds.

Hashtag on twitter? Hashtag on LinkedIn- maybe not to the same extent but try using #insurance on your post and your analytics will definitely improve.

 As millennials we are expected to be social media savvy but often our age group neglects LinkedIn. There’s really no point in having a page if it’s outdated and doesn’t reflect your working life. Just remember LinkedIn is a reflection of your personal brand so pick and choose what you share carefully and make sure it reflects both your career interests and aspirations. Remember, the more you put into it, the more useful you will find it. So here are some top tips:

1. Keep it updated

o This might sound like common sense but so many people forget to update LinkedIn after a promotion or company change, or add things like voluntary work they do to their profile. You wouldn’t miss them off your CV so don’t leave them off your LinkedIn profile.

2. LinkedIn is for professionals

o LinkedIn photos are different to those you’d share on other social media. Most companies will have someone that takes professional portraits for new employees, or update pictures for those that have been there for some time. If a new team member joins why not ask if you can get yours updated at the same time? If you don’t have that as an option, a cropped picture of you out with friends won’t do, just ask someone to take a picture of you in work attire against a plain wall. Leaving it blank is also not an option; it’s been proven that profiles with picture are 11 times more likely to be viewed (

3. Have someone check it for you

o The last thing you want is to overlook a spelling mistake or mistype something -so have a friend or parent proof read your profile. The hot debate of whether to write in of first/third person doesn’t really have much consequence, just be consistent with whatever you pick.

4. Find time for LinkedIn

o Try to diary sometime each month to have a browse of your homepage and comment on posts you find interesting, or share an interesting article on your page. Don’t let your profile just sit there mute until you have a job update to post. Not only does it give you good exposure with your colleagues but there are also a tonne of great resources on LinkedIn so you might read something really useful.

5. Download the app 

o LinkedIn saw a huge surge in usage when it launched its app. Just like other social media apps on your phone there is a phone version of LinkedIn too. So make your commute count or your evening scroll in bed, and get active on LinkedIn.

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