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NGIN New Year’s Resolutions

Writer's picture: NGINNGIN

Our New Year’s Eve may have been like any other but as with most Januarys, we take some time to set resolutions to make our lives happier and healthier. 2021 is no different for the NGIN committee so here are some our New Year Resolutions.

Who knows, perhaps posting them will give us that extra accountability! Wish us luck.

"My goal is to run a 10k this year. I was a sprinter at school, but always struggled to run long distance. During the first lockdown however, I was completely isolated from everyone for nearly 3 months, so I started running for my own wellbeing really. Running 10k feels like a challenging but achievable goal. Who knows, maybe next year I’ll go for a marathon! (Maybe not…!)"

Emma Clarke

Website Editor and Senior Associate at DWF Law LLP

"To get out of the house everyday".

Abbie Conneely

Outreach Officer and Account Executive at Willis Towers Watson

"To make more time for personal connections. In 2021, until life returns to some form of normality, I am determined to make time to reach out to individuals for virtual coffee breaks, to pick up the phone to find out how people are feeling and to generally keep in touch with colleagues, clients, friends and family".

Jake Hickinbottom

NGIN Founder and Senior Account Manager at Liberty Specialty Markets

"My two commitments for the year ahead are to invest more in my local community and to learn a new skill. Last year I learned how to knit so I'm hoping to pick up something new this year."

Benjamin Hindson

Chairman and Insurance Solutions Manager, Europe at Trov

"My resolution for 2021 is to learn how to code, I have signed up for some online courses and hope to have a better understanding of how to use Python and R by the end of the year!"

Debbie Kimou

Social Media Editor and Property Facultative at Medici Facultative

"Give my home office a makeover and add some books to my background so I look more interesting on video calls".

Nick Line

Executive Ambassador and Chief Actuary and Head of Underwriting Operations at Markel International

"I have committed to starting my morning by practicing each and every Tae Kwon Do pattern (set of sequences) that I know. This is so I know them inside out for when I can (Covid permitting!) grade for a Black belt.

Fun Fact - There are 24 patterns. The reason for 24 patterns is because the founder, General Choi Hong Hi, compared the life of man with a day in the life of the earth".

Jessica McCausland

Outreach Officer and Account Manager at Whitespace Software Limited

"To focus on my personal and professional development. I took some time to finally create my development plan which includes a lot of free resources to build skills in innovation and have started exploring MBA opportunities".

Jasmine Shell

Outreach Officer and Digital Minds Innovation Executive at DXC Technology

"I am trying to run every morning before work and to keep the ridiculous amount of houseplants I have purchased, alive (2 are already gone!)"

Emma Tullis

Events Officer and Insurance Solicitor at DWF Law LLP

"The bulk of my resolutions feel pretty standard – drink more water, get more sleep, run more, read more and eat less meat. I would really like to finally get posting on my food/cooking Instagram account. I have made the account but it’s still sitting empty of any pictures…"

Cameron Walker

Newsletter Editor and Motor Retention Consultant at Direct Line Group

"My resolution for 2021 is to improve my Swedish. Although I grew up bilingual, sadly I’ve not had much opportunity to speak Swedish in recent years and have become very rusty! So, I’ve organised a tutor and I’m aiming to take an exam later in the year".

Ellie Webster

Vice Chair and Assistant Underwriter at Brit Insurance

"My New Year’s resolution is to print more photos, so that they're not just saved on my phone/laptop!"

Leah Wood

Mentoring Officer and Insurance Associate at RPC

"To read one book a week – and so far on track!"

Lucy Woodcock

Secretary and Operations Leader at Allianz

If you are still looking for a New Year’s Resolution how about considering volunteering or focusing on your personal development? The NGIN Mentoring Scheme is still open for applications, you can apply here.

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