How can you help? Continue reading for ways to help others from your home or in your local community. For volunteer safety guidelines please visit:
1. Advance, an IICF charity partner, is looking for someone to provide marketing and digital support, and for individuals to donate smart phones. Please contact Meghan at
2. Look out for your neighbours. Offer to help elderly neighbours or key workers with shopping and other errands. Download the NextDoor app to connect with people in your postcode, or post an offer to help through neighbours’ letterboxes.
3. Donate to your local food bank or help with local deliveries to support people who cannot afford the essentials in life -
4. Adopt a Grand Parent. CHD Living homes are pairing residents with caring individuals in the community who want to help combat loneliness with the aim of creating long-lasting intergenerational friendships -
5. Octavia Foundation are looking for telephone befrienders to help an older, isolated person feel more connected and less lonely without ever leaving your home -
6. Do Something Amazing. Give Blood -
7. Inspire young people at Brightside by helping update online resources, sharing your experience in a Brightside Talk or Ask the Expert session or by acting as a mentor during the school term -
8. Business in the Community, with Founding Partner, AXA, has created the COVID-19 National Business Response Network to connect community needs to companies with resources and employees who can help -
9. Living in London? Explore volunteer opportunities by borough -
10. Looking to change the world? Apply to volunteer with the UN -
11. Fluent in another language? Apply to volunteer with Translators without Borders -